


English below





私達のプロジェクトでは人工知能(AI)の分野で注目を集めているディープラーニングを医療の分野へ応用することを目指しています。具体的には、自閉症者と健常者の視線の動きをJINS MEMEというデバイスでトレースし、解析を行い比較することで、早期診断の参考にしたり、療育効果を測ることです。





About this blog

Hello! Thank you for visiting our blog. We are Brain Robotics and Informatics Project(BRI), which is part of Soushin Kyoiku Centre at Tokushima University. We are one of the students project teams at the centre, and our motto is to create innovation. Our project consists of four students. We are a rather small project compared to other project teams but we believe our strength comes from the variety of our interest and passion! Our major varies quite a lot ranging from nursing to engineering, biomedicine, and psychology! The project started May 2017, so it has been only six months since its foundation. By the way, I am Mari and I’m responsible for the English translation of the original posts written in Japanese.


Now, I’d like to tell you what our goal is. Our vision comes from dreaming a future where technology works harmoniously in the field of medicine. We’re currently trying to build an objective measurement that helps diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder(ASD) at early stage. We will use eye-tracking as method in order to find a characteristic pattern of the eye-movement of those who might develop ASD. In the data analysis, we use deep learning and hope to create an algorithm that is good at detecting the pattern in eye-movement.   


I am very excited to share the progress of project with you from now and I hope you’ll enjoy the journey with us.


Thank you.
